Multiple times did the yu'jin attempt to find the "correct" path, but ominously enough, every 60 days, they would find themselves back at Zaakn'iir kii Vraii'iina. However, things quickly became apparent that there was still much to be revealed about the way to Desert's Heart. Soon thereafter, the Haana'boshi set out to find Desert's Heart, where Vensaa'n claimed they would find Vraii'iina's true grave. The Giibaka and this mountain are a mere pointer in the way we are to go. I close my eyes, and although I cannot see the path with my corporeal senses, in my mind, I can envision the path. I feel the wind upon my body, cool and gentle relief from the infernal radiance. In his own words, "I am like the saanjak, soaring over the sand with lightning speed. But the clarity was still very much a blur. Vensaa'n's new dreams and visions showed him a more "clear" picture of Vraii'iina's true grave. And when the yu'jin was about to leave the site once and for all once more, Vensaa'n began having new visions and dreams, this time much more vivid. But just a little longer yielded nothing. Although they yielded little hope in finding Vraii'iina's true grave, the Haana'boshii decided to continue their search for just a little longer. The beginning of Vensaa'n's visions and dreams were always the same.

And this guide always begins here at the giibaka." He described them as "it is as if I am flying so fast everything is but a mere spectacle I cannot make out what I see, everything moves so fast-quick visions of streaks of red, yellow, orange, and then rock. Out of nowhere, Vensaa'n started to have ominous dreams and visions. It wouldn't be until the Haana'boshii were about ready to give up the search when something interesting occurred. They search far and wide, covering many miles a radius around the mountain. For months, they attempted to find the whereabouts of Vraii'iina's body. The Hana'boshii Yu''jin, the founding yu'jin, set up a temporary settlement around Zaakn'iir kii Vraii'iina. Mining into the lone mountain yielded nothing as well. Attempts at digging around the area yielded nothing. It was clear upon the discovery of Vraii'iina's grave that Vraii'iinaa's body was missing. However, it was clear that something was missing: Vraii'iina's body. Immediately the site was claimed to be the grave of Nol'fariinze Vraii'iina's grave, and Vensaa'n was credited with the discovery. The elders saw the giibaka for themselves, and one in particular, Vanashka Sanaa'ha, recognized the giibaka as Vraii'iina's.

Upon Vensaa'n's return to his yu'jin, he had claimed he found a lost giibaka and pleaded for his yu'jin elders to see for themselves. When he made the discovery, he touched the giibaka and fell unconscious. Near the borders of Niil'vrai'kiin kii Jasaa'ad and Niil'vrai'kiin kii Nagiir he found a giibaka forged into a lone mountain now known as Zaakn'iir kii Vraii'iina.

However, in the mortal year 3409 BCE, while searching for a lost gojeshka, Fajii'hasku Vensaa'n came across an oddity. It was presumed that as he wanted, Vraii'iina died in the desert. But Vraii'iina never returned to his yu'jin. I wish to see the majesty I saw the first time I made the journey." And he did. Instead, he wished for one thing: "to venture into the desert alone once more. When the first Vraii'jashuk, Nol'fariinze Vraii'iina's life neared its end, he wished not to die in a bed nor his sleep as most would. Fajii'hasku Vensaa'n of the Haana'boshi Yu'jin